建设 & 爆破材料 守则及许可证 除了 构建绿色


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  • 确认你的项目目标:是什么驱使你增加项目? 有没有另一种选择,既能节省你的时间和金钱,又能达到你的目标? 考虑重新整理你的空间,缩小你的物品(通过回收和捐赠).
  • Plan early to make your home remodel “green” so you can take advantage of opportunities that might be missed with a more conventional approach.
  • 计划重新利用现有的墙壁, 橱柜, 在可能的情况下进行管道和电气布局,以节省资金和减少建筑垃圾.
  • 如果你住在未合并的金县, 与许可和环境审查部核实. 其他wise, check with your local jurisdiction for applicable permits and code requirements. Most permit center 网站s have very intuitive help menus and online forms for your needs.
  • 考虑往上走而不是往下走. 这减少了影响的总体足迹, 并且可以使您利用现有的框架和基础.
  • 利用当地的绿色家园之旅. These may help you prioritize and “shop” for green building approaches and strategies plus meet local professionals that can help with your project.
  • 你可以找到几乎所有建筑材料类别的回收材料, 从地板到固定装置. 尤其是在老房子里, used building materials can temper the newness of a remodel while tying fresh elements to the existing home.
  • 考虑扩展成本的定义. 从长远来看,较高的初始成本实际上可能会带来更好的交易. 例如, efficient plumbing 固定装置 result in lower monthly utility bills and durable materials require less frequent replacement. 类似的, health costs resulting from poor indoor air quality are not reflected in the price of less expensive, 浓浓的材料.


  • 如果你要进行绿色改造, consider getting it certified as a 构建绿色 Remodel as proof to others that the project really is green. 最近基于真实销售数据的研究表明,平均而言, environmentally certified homes have greater sale value than their non-certified counterparts, 而且往往卖得更快.
  • 如果你决定重新装修只是太多的工作,并选择买一个新的房子, 寻找绿色建筑, 能源之星和LEED住宅指定在西北多重上市服务.


再利用和回收使用过的建筑材料有许多选择. A number of retail locations and online resources now accept and offer salvaged building materials – making it possible to not only minimize your remodeling waste, 但是在你的项目中加入“新的”回收物品. 一点体力劳动可以大大减少你的处理费用. 如果你在自己的项目中重复使用材料,你就不用买新的了. 在某些情况下, 你也可以通过出售你不需要的建筑材料来赚钱, 比如旧的五金或基座水槽.


  • 就地再利用(保持材料原貌、修复、抛光或重新贴面等).)
  • 回收和再利用(在项目中,在家里,出售,捐赠或交易)
  • 回收
  • 妥善处理剩下的东西

几乎所有的项目都涉及到这两者的一部分. 绿色目标是将尽可能多的材料放到上面的步骤中, 同时尽量减少最终进入垃圾填埋场的数量.


  • By planning your activities and carefully removing materials to retain their value (deconstructing rather than demolishing), 你可以增加这些材料未来寿命的可能性, 在垃圾填埋场之外.
  • Make a call to a used building materials store or salvage and deconstruction company before you start; tell them what you’re trying to remove and they can often recommend the best tools for the job, 以及什么可以安全地再次使用. There are numerous outlets for reusable and recyclable materials: used building materials retailers, 在线交流, 分类广告, 还有回收公司.
  • 正在进行大规模的改造? 考虑解构服务. 这个过程小心地拆解材料,以便重新使用和回收, 使高达90%的材料远离垃圾填埋场.
  • 如果你雇了一家垃圾运输公司, ask about their hauling records (do they share receipts showing materials went to appropriate destinations?). Request at least 2 bins (1 for garbage, 1 for recycling) to increase the rate of recycling.
  • 要特别注意含铅涂料, 铅管配件和焊料的管道产品, 还有瓦片里的石棉, 地板, 管道系统和一些电器. 不适当的清除可能会给你的家带来新的危险.


  • 打捞成功的关键是小心打捞. Keeping materials intact and unbroken maximizes the likelihood of reuse, and retains their value.
  • 捆绑多个特定的材料, 保持整洁, 在受保护的储存区域安全干燥. 在理想的情况下, you want to set aside space for organizing your materials by type and destination: salvage, 回收及弃置.
  • Use extra caution if you hire a private company to haul materials—some operations are unfamiliar with recycling and reuse options, 或者更糟, 非法倾倒你认为是正确运输的材料. 为了避免这种情况, work only with permitted and licensed hauling companies that agree to take no more than half of their fee up front, with the remainder paid after you receive official receipts from the destinations you specified.
  • 为项目实施健康的建筑工地计划. 该计划应包括工作现场工人的保护和安全, 施工期间的措施,以避免以后的潮湿问题, 以及工作后的清理程序.
  • 施工期间:
    • 推行全面减少及管理建筑废物计划
    • 通过限制重型设备的使用来避免土壤压实.
    • Install and maintain temporary erosion control devices that significantly reduce sediment discharge from the site beyond code requirements.
    • 在所有新的湿面漆应用期间通风.




  • 很有可能,是的! 与你当地的司法部门核实一下. 大多数司法管辖区都有“我需要许可证吗??的部分. 例如,如果你住在未合并的金县, 这个页面 将帮助.




  • "Salvage and Reuse" Green Home Remodeling Guide – from the 金郡固体废物处 Provides information on how to put old household building materials, 固定装置, 和电器重新使用
  • 西北楼宇救助网(http://nbsnseattle.org/)查找当地打捞和解构公司的信息中心


