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  • 天井和走道选用透水(多孔)材料. Impermeable (non-porous) surfaces such as concrete patios and paths prevent rainwater from naturally permeating into the soil. This causes erosion and burdens our water treatment infrastructure.
  • 以提高耐久性和排水能力, ensure the sub-surface beneath permeable surfaces is prepared correctly, 比如用碎石.
  • Use solar-powered landscape lights in order to avoid increased energy use and wiring installation costs. 这些灯使用小, integrated photovoltaic panels to store energy from the daytime for use after dark.


  • 木甲板往往需要大量的工作和维护. Consider durability and rot resistance, especially if you’re building close to the ground.
  • 如果你决定使用木质甲板,请选择fcs认证的木材.
  • 根据环保署, the least toxic alternative available is lumber treated with borate preservatives. 虽然更环保,对人类更安全, borate-treated lumber is not suitable for wood exposed to rain or ground contact.
  • 其他 good alternatives for deck joists and beams are structural recycled plastic and copper azole-treated (CA-B) lumber.


  • 选择本地植物. 他们适应了我们的地区, 许多是耐旱的, and most do not need pesticides or fertilizer after establishment.
  • Create a backyard habitat that will attract a variety of wildlife, and consider certifying your backyard as a Certified Wildlife Habitat through the National Wildlife Federation.
  • If planting non-native species, select water-wise or drought-resistant plants.
  • 如果你的房子在一个特别有风的地方, 种植树木或灌木来阻挡盛行风. This can help reduce cold air coming into the house during winter.


Automatic sprinkler systems waste about 30 percent of the water they deliver. It is possible to design a landscape that minimizes the need for regular supplemental watering once the landscape is established.

  • 如果你的花园软管在龙头螺纹处漏水, 试着安装橡胶, 圆边垫圈,而不是平边垫圈.
  • Soaker hoses and drip irrigation are good alternatives to permanent in-ground irrigation systems. Soaker hoses are made from recycled plastic and are inexpensive. Drip irrigation systems apply water directly to the soil through tiny emitters so they allow for more precise watering to match the needs of specific plant types.
  • Plumb your irrigation system to use greywater from your home for irrigation. 典型的灰水来源是淋浴和洗衣服. Permits are required for greywater use for irrigation in Seattle and King County. The permits require submittal of a plumbing/irrigation system design with the application.
  • Install a weather-based irrigation controller that automatically adjusts the watering schedule according to the weather.


You can minimize potable water use by storing rainwater from your roof for later use. 无论您选择哪种系统, you will be helping to reuse water that would normally go directly into a storm drain.

  • 第一个, 尽量减少草皮面积,减少水的消耗, 减少绿化面积, and planting native and native-adapted species that require less water.
  • Then invest in harvesting systems that match your watering needs.
  • Rain barrels are popular, but their small size makes them less efficient than cisterns. Here in the Puget Sound area; the weeks without rain from July through September mean your rain barrel empties quickly, 不会再续杯. Some jurisdictions offer rainwater barrels at a reduced rate or they can be purchased at a home improvement store.
  • Cisterns are larger tanks that can store hundreds to thousands of gallons of water, enough to significantly reduce or eliminate the need to use municipal water for landscape purposes.
  • Rain gardens can be an attractive addition to your landscape, but must be carefully designed and located to avoid flooding.


  • 绿化家居改造指南下载 1.5 MB -来自金县固体废物部门
    Provides eco–friendly tips for any home landscaping project – from water efficient irrigation tips, 提出建议, 充实思想.

Alternatives to Asphalt/Concrete: Pervious Surfaces and Low Impact Development (LID)





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