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  • 一些学习恒温器提供了额外的功能, and there are rapid developments in technologies to integrate with phones and mobile devices.
  • Always use the features of your thermostat, whichever type it is, to match your schedule.
  • Learn how to “set back” your thermostat – a savings strategy for when you’re away for long periods or at night. This may not be appropriate for heat pumps, so check with your heating contractor.
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  • Pay attention to local burn bans, and do not use your fireplace or wood stove when one is in effect.
  • Wood-burning fireplaces contribute to poor indoor and outdoor air quality, and are the least efficient way to heat your home; 90 percent of the wood’s heat goes up the stack.
  • If you choose to build a new masonry fireplace, build a Rumford style fireplace. 这些高性能壁炉产生更低的排放. Some models meet the EPA’s Phase II stove emission rate and are approved by Washington State’s Department of Ecology fireplace standard. Rumford fireplaces are also much more wood efficient due to their design.
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Consumer electronic products are responsible for about 15 percent of household electricity use. These plug loads, or phantom loads, are the fastest growing segment of residential energy use. And a good portion of your electric bill may be from phantom power – electronics and gadgets that are turned off but still draw electricity.

  • Survey your home for phantom loads – look for anything with a clock, 远程, 墙上的电源适配器, 电子电源开关, 电子键盘, 它的外围设备, 咖啡机, 多媒体或通讯设备. 为电子设备插上电源, 充电器和电源适配器放入电源插线板, 当产品不使用时,关掉贴条.
  • Look for the ENERGY STAR label when purchasing home electronics such as TVs, cable boxes, computer & networking equipment to ensure you are getting a more energy-efficient model. For example, ENERGY STAR qualified TVs use about 30% less energy than standard units.
  • 典型的U.S. households spend $100 per year to power devices while they are in "standby" power mode. ENERGY STAR qualified products use less energy to perform these functions.


CO detectors warn residents when CO levels reach unhealthy levels. 它们价格低廉,安装起来也相对容易.

  • Install CO detectors on every level of the house that has a fuel-burning appliance. 因为一氧化碳气体在空气中分布均匀, it is best to install the detector between 5 and 6 feet high on the wall where it is most likely to be seen. Place the detector at least 6 feet away from the fuel-burning appliance.
  • CO detectors should be replaced every 3 to 5 years depending on the life of the sensor. Most sensors do not sound an alarm until CO levels reach levels well above the EPA’s limit of 9 ppm. More expensive detector models will detect lower levels of CO and help prevent the health hazards from prolonged exposure to CO.
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  • Ductless mini-split heat pumps are two to three times as efficient as electric resistance heat and also provide highly efficient cooling and are easy to install.
  • Ductless mini-split heat pumps do a better job of distributing warm or cool air around a home than electric baseboard or electric wall heaters, 从而使生活区域更舒适.
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  • Select clay plaster as an alternative to paint to create a rich, natural texture. 它是透气,抗霉,低过敏性和低毒.
  • 选择低毒, 低挥发性有机化合物或零挥发性有机化合物涂料,因为它们更安全, 更容易清理,干燥时排放的烟雾更少.
  • Using lighter-colored paints is a strategy to reduce artificial lighting needs, 从而减少你的照明能源消耗.
  • 查看更多 生态酷改造油漆和涂料资源


  • 获得最佳空气质量, 你可能想要完全避免地毯,选择木材, 天然油毡或软木.
  • 如果考虑地毯, 寻找地毯, padding and adhesives that are labeled as emitting less volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  • Natural fiber carpets, such as wool or jute, are typically better for indoor air quality.
  • Consider carpet tiles that don't require adhesives; worn or stained tiles can be replaced individually.
  • Choose low-pile carpet to minimize allergens such as pet hair and dust.
  • 寻找含有可回收成分的地板产品.
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